1) Partner with the Career Services office at your institution and directly connect students to the many available resources that connect their time in college to the world of work upon graduation.
2) Refer students to the Road Trip Nation website when they are searching for inspiration. Interview clips highlight exceptional individuals who have succeeded in their shared quest to find passion and purpose at www.roadtripnation.com. Students can explore Interview selections by either interest area or theme at: http://roadtripnation.com/explore/themes.php
4) Have students narrow options by viewing the 16 Career Clusters located at:
5) Encourage activities that help students “define their focus.” These include internships, part-time jobs in potential interest areas, and job shadowing experiences. Familiarize yourself with structured opportunities on your campus so you can make effective referrals.
3) Have students conduct their own informational interviews with alumni of the university or individuals who are working in their field of interest. Coach the student on developing interview questions, proper attire, and interview behavior.
6) Suggest students review the Occupational Outlook Handbook website www.bls.gov/oco/ for the latest career information including training and education requirements, earnings, working conditions and projected job openings for literally hundreds of occupations.
7) Connect student to the O*NET system, http://www.onetonline.org/, the nation's primary source of occupational information, providing comprehensive information on key attributes and characteristics of workers and occupations.
8) Resume writing and interviewing skills are an important component of students’ occupational knowledge. Offer to review these and provide honest feedback. For comprehensive advice and information, have students visit http://career-advice.monster.com/
9) Provide information on directed individual study or undergraduate research activities where students work side-by-side with faculty members.
10) Support students’ exploration of graduate and professional schools by recommending www.petersons.com/gradchannel/ and the investigation of future educational options. Offer to critique your students’ essays when applying for internships or graduate schools.