The links below are to pages and documents we're hoping you'll find helpful in your work with the most noble and misunderstood Undeclared/Exploratory (U/E) population. Your commission Steering Committee is working hard to compile and keep up to date the list below that features not only links to important websites (like the NACADA Clearinghouse for CUES topics), CUES programs at various Universities, and documents that can be used by you to compile your own CUES workbook to guide U/E students at your home institution.
So, have fun, and happy reading!
We've organized much of the resources below according to the major exploration competencies the resources support. If you've tools you use in the areas of guiding students to Self Knowledge, Educational Knowledge, and/or Occupational Knowledge, please email us at and we'll add it to the resources on the pages linked below
Self Knowledge Resources
Educational Knowledge Resources
Occupational Knowledge Resources
Exploratory Workbook Resources
Bibliography of Exploratory/Undecided Scholarly Articles
Anderson, B.C., Creamer, D.G., & Cross, L.H. (1989). Undecided, multiple change, and decided students: How different are they? NACADA Journal, 9(1), 46-50.
Anderson, E. (1985). Forces influencing student persistence and achievement. In Noel, L., Levitz, R., Saluri, D., & Associates. (1985). Increasing student retention: Effective programs and practices for reducing the dropout rate. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Ashby, J.D., Wall, H.W., & Osipow, S.H. (1966). Vocational certainty and indecision in college freshmen. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 44, 1037-1041.
Berger, E.M. (1967). Vocational choices in college. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 45, 888-894.
Creamer, D.G. (2000) in Gordon, Habley, & Associates. (2002) Academic advising: A comprehensive handbook. (pp. 18-34). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Elton, C.F., & Rose, H.A. (1971). A longitudinal study of the vocationally undecided male student. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 1, 85-92.
Foote, B. (1980). Determined- and undetermined-major students: How different are they? Journal of College Student Personnel, 21, 29-34.
Goodstein, L. (1965) Behavior theoretical views of counseling. In Steffre, B. (1965). Theories of counseling. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, (p 140-192).
Gordon, V.N. (1992). Handbook of Academic Advising. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
Gordon, V.N. (1995). The undecided college student: An academic and career advising challenge. (2nd ed.). Springfield, IL: Thomas.
Gordon, V.N. (2007). The undecided college student: An academic and career advising challenge. (3rd ed.). Springfield, IL: Thomas.
Graunke, S.S., Woosley, S.A., & Helms, L.L. (2006). How do their initial goals impact students’ chances to graduate? An exploration of three types of commitment. NACADA Journal, 26(1), 13-18.
Grites, T.J. (1981). Being “undecided” might be the best decision they could make. The School Counselor, 29, 41-46.
Holland, J.L., & Holland, J.E. (1977). Vocational indecision: More evidence and speculation. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 24(5), 404-414.
Kramer, G.L., Higley, H.B., & Olsen, D. (1994). Changes in academic major among undergraduate students. College and University, 69(2), 88-98.
Lewallen, W.C. (1993). The impact of being “undecided” on college-student persistence. Journal of College Student Development, 34(2), 103-112.
Lewallen, W.C. (1995). Students decided and undecided about career choice: A comparison of college achievement and student involvement. NACADA Journal, 15(1), 22-30.
Mayhall, J., & Burg, J.E. (2002). Solution-focused advising with the undecided student. NACADA Journal, 22(1), 76-82.
Noel, L. (1985). Increasing student retention: New challenges and potential. In Noel, L., Levitz, R., Saluri, D., & Associates. (1985). Increasing student retention: Effective programs and practices for reducing the dropout rate. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Nutt, C.L. (2000) in Gordon, Habley, & Associates. (2002) Academic advising: A comprehensive handbook. (pp. 220-227).San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Nutt, C.L. (2003). Academic advising and student retention and persistence from the NACADA Clearinghouse of Academic Advising Resources Web site:
Sprandel, H.Z. (1985). Career planning and counseling. In Noel, L., Levitz, R., Saluri, D., & Associates. (1985). Increasing student retention: Effective programs and practices for reducing the dropout rate. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Titley, R.W., & Titley, B.S. (1980). Initial choice of college major: Are only the “undecided” undecided? Journal of CollegeStudent Personnel, 21, 293-298.
NACADA On-Line CUES Resources
NACADA Clearinghouse page for Undeclared/Exploratory Populations:
NACADA Clearinghouse links to Undeclared/Exploratory resources: